
Who Is Likely To Lead Ghana From 2025

The first step is to win your party’s presidential primaries, after which the candidate becomes the party’s sole flagbearer in the 2024 elections.

The main issues that Ghanaians are concerned about are the high cost of living, political propriety that incorporates avoidance of corruption, the nationwide poor road network, growing unemployment, low wages in the public sector, prevalence of murders and other nefarious crimes as well as the high cost of doing business in Ghana.

The international dimension of the vying or possible contenders will count. Which of them is well-wired into the global system for the tailwind? Goodwill of the international community, especially the big powers and a foundational platform with the multilateral financial institutions will help the leapfrog. Equally important are local and international financiers who are ready to dole out big coffers for well-lubricated campaigns.

Unity behind the candidate by his or her party is crucial. Often, seemingly popular candidates have all the ambience out there, but the quiet sabotage by moles from within is a derailer. However, pervasive national support stemming from a given sympathy for the candidate overrides the internal party nuances and even provides the killer punch for the ultimate victory.

Which of the possible candidates is more popular? Those to have declared interest in becoming President of Ghana are all public faces. Former President John Dramani Mahama has been a public office holder for about 30 years, culminating in his assuming the Presidency.

The sitting Vice President, Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is also publicly visible, having been a vocal campaigner and advocate of programmes. Dr. Kwabena Duffour is also known by virtue of being a former high-ranking government official.

The maverick politician, Mr. Kennedy Agyepong is one whose sensational comments draw eyeballs across the breadth and length of the country. Trade Minister,  Mr. Alan Kyeremanten has been a big political slug out with the eventual winner of a previous race which made the headlines.

A former Energy Minister, Mr. Boakye Agyarko is a tower of strength but not a household name until his campaign hits the ground running and makes waves. A former Mayor of Kumasi, Mr. Kojo Bonsu, appears to be aware of the lifting he must do to surprise the most popular by name, hence was the early worm on the political billboards. The Agricultural Minister, Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto who is also in the race is not a latent force as issues from his sector have been on the front burner, either for good or wrong reasons.

Ghanaians, having tasted or had a feel of the possible contenders for 2024, by dint of their established order and experience could also turn to a third force party or even an independent presidential candidate.

This won’t be too likely though cannot be ruled out due to the religious/unflinching attachments to political parties by ethnic groups. The geographical stronghold factor is a card that could play into anybody’s hands provided a particular campaign catches fire on the people. This also depends on whether the people are fed up with familiarity.

The dynamics might juggle up a bit should powerful new candidates emerge particularly from outside the governing party.

Who becomes the running-mate of the Presidential candidate has a role to play in raking the fortunes at stake but that is imperceptible and unquantifiable. Squeaky clean, unblemished career and life record as well as the geographical connection could be the driving force of a running mate.

Issues that ought to impact livelihoods immediately might have sway in the decisions of voters. These would be the cost of living, job availability, and whether utilities in the supply wagons are operational and fulfilling.

John Mahama
Dr Kwabena Duffour


Alan Kyeremanten
Dr. Bawumia
Kennedy Agyepong
Boakye Agyarko
Kojo Bonsu
Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto
Dr Ekwow Spio-Garbrah



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