
Adomfe murder: “We will not shield any officer found culpable” – Police assures

Source The Ghana Report/Sefanam Agbobli

The Ashanti Regional Police Command says, it will not shield any police officer found culpable in the murder of the 33-year-old driver at Adomfe in the Ashanti region.

Nine officers stormed the area and inflicted machete wounds on the deceased during an altercation.

Three (3) out of the nine (9) officers have been interdicted by the regional command for their active role in the murder of the driver.

Chiefs and opinion leaders say they are dissatisfied with the interdiction of the three.

According to them, all police officers who were present at the time of the incident must also be interdicted.

But speaking in an interview monitored by The Ghana report, PRO of the Ashanti Regional Police Command, ASP Godwin Ahianyo called for calm among residents in the area.

“We need to argue over the number of persons who went there or those who took part in the incident. As a command, we are not going to shield anybody. Whoever has any information with regards this unfortunate incident should bring it to the police. We can’t go about interdicting innocent officers. So let’s allow the investigations as has commenced to continue. If it so happens that somebody’s name comes up, we are not going to shield the person. If it so happens that they’re found culpable, why not, the necessary action will be taken against them,” he said.

Meanwhile an opinion leader in the area, Mr Karikari said the police must go beyond interdiction.

“The police should not end at mere interdiction. That’s not what we want. We want them to prosecute the officers and let them have their punishment. Because they cannot kill our brother in the full glare of the people,” he explained.

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