
”Assault on erection industry”

A panel member of ”Arise News” discussing the admonishment of a Ghanaian police commander to his troops has added salt to the injury caused by the police officer.

Whilst addressing officers and men under his purview, the police commander urged policemen to ”eat well and reduce their sexual rounds” to store more energy for police duties in the upcoming December 7, 2024, general elections.

A panelist reviewing stories in the news bulletin picked on ”reducing sexual rounds,” calling it an attack on the erection industry. The exhortation by the police commander provoked laughter in the audience who stood before him but the commentary on it in the television studios sent millions of television viewers splitting their sides with guffaws.

A male panelist on the television said the male organ has brains independent of the brain box in the human head, that reacts spontaneously to situations that command it.  He described the police commander’s statement as ”phallocentric and phallophobia”.

The light moment is considered a comic relief by the wider listening public but the reaction to the call for holidays for the male organ with the two strong words by a male commentator highlights sex as an inherent part of masculinity.

He said the male organ has always been vilified but the Greeks and the Romans have venerated it but stopped short of explanation. In defending the male organ, the frontal panelist referred people to a book authored by America’s David Friedman which he claims details the cultural history of the male organ, on the theme of the part of the human body with a mind of its own.


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