
Election 2024: “The law will take its course if you misbehave” – Henry Quartey

Source The Ghana Report

The Minister of Interior, Henry Quartey, has warned that individuals who violate the electoral process before, during and after the 2024 general elections will be dealt with, irrespective of their political affiliations.

Mr. Quartey’s comment follows a series of violence recorded at some registration centres in the ongoing limited voter registration exercise which began on May 7, 2024.

Addressing the media in Accra, Henry Quartey assured journalists and the public of his readiness to ensure a peaceful electoral process this year.

“Let me sound the wording again, You know my track record, I walk my talk. Anybody who goes to do something other than what is prescribed, we will do our best to ensure that the law will take its course and the court of competent jurisdiction will do its work.

“May I sound this warning that it will not be political vindictiveness? If anybody commits, whoever the person is, we shall ensure that the law will take its course,” he noted.

He added that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) would peacefully hand over power should it be defeated in the 2024  election.

“As a politician, as a political party, it is our hope, it is our wish, it is our belief that by the grace of God, the good people of this country, the good work that we have done in infrastructure and in other interventions, they will give us another mandate.

“Perish the thought, and I say again, perish the thought, If they decide to give their mandate to somebody, we will hand over peacefully and walk away, go to the drawing board and come back Insha Allah. But I know that the grace of God abounds and so we shall break the 8”.

READ ALSO: Police Ban Party Paraphernalia At Oforikrom Voter Registration Centre

The ongoing dispute between the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has resulted in the prohibition of political party paraphernalia at certain registration centres in the ongoing limited voter registration exercise.

The Manhyia Divisional Police Command in the Ashanti Region on May 15, 2024, banned the display and use of political party paraphernalia at the Oforikrom Voter Registration Center.

According to the police, the prohibition of political party paraphernalia at the registration center will help to prevent potential conflicts between political parties.

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