
Godfred Dame won’t resign – NPP

Source The Ghana Report

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has dismissed calls for the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame, to resign.

There have been several calls for the Attorney-General to step aside following accusations by Richard Jakpa, the third accused person in the ongoing ambulance trial.

Mr Jakpa alleged that the A-G had repeatedly sought his assistance to implicate Minority Leader Cassiel Ato Forson, who is also an accused person in the ongoing ambulance trial.

At a presser on Tuesday, the NPP stated that the Attorney-General will continue to perform his duties with intelligence and determination.

The NPP’s press conference was held shortly after the National Democratic Congress (NDC) aired an audio conversation between the A-G and the third accused, Mr Jakpa, who confirmed earlier allegations raised.

“We are clear in our minds that the calls for the resignation of the Attorney-General is misplaced, unwarranted and this would not put any spokes in the prosecution of Cassiel Ato Forson and his associates.

“Also, coming from the NDC, the call for the Attorney-General to resign is very rich. The A-G would not resign and would continue to remain witty, resolute and focused in the delivery of his work,” Frank Davies, the Chairman of the NPP’s Legal Committee, stressed.

According to the governing NPP, Mr Jakpa’s allegations are simply a ploy to derail the ongoing ambulance trial.

“The latest allegation by Richard Jakpa, the 3rd accused and an associate of Cassiel Ato Forson in this botched ambulance procurement transaction, is therefore only a further ploy, contrived to curtail the prosecution of Ato Forson and smear the Attorney-General’s integrity and reputation.

“But this would also not see the light of day as we believe firmly that public officials, regardless of social standing, must be equally accountable for their use of public resources. Needless to say, the law is no respecter of persons,” Mr Davies said.

He described the commentary by the NDC over the alleged tape as unacceptable.

“It is unacceptable that Johnson Asiedu Nketia runs a commentary over the alleged tape calculated to prevent you, the Ghanian people, from making your own deduction and reasoned judgment.”

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