
National Theatre honours Prof Martin Owusu with ‘The Legend of Aku Sika’ play

The National Theatre of Ghana is set to honour Professor Martin Owusu with the play, ‘The Legend of Aku Sika’ on Saturday, June 1, 2, 8, 9, 2024 at 4:00pm and 7:00pm each day.

Professor Martin Owusu is an acclaimed scriptwriter and a long time lecturer at the Department of Theatre Arts at the University of Ghana credited for his contribution to the development of Ghana’s arts and culture.

The honour will be done by the National Theatre represented by its three resident groups: National Dance company, National Drama Company and the National Symphony Orchestra in partnership with Image Bureau and April Communications.

The Legend of Aku Sika was written by Professor Martin Owusu, who is also a renowned playwright, actor and director.

Actress and media personality, Naa Ashorkor, who is also CEO of April Communications makes her debut as production director, assisted by George Quaye, CEO of image Bureau.

The Legend of Aku Sika won Prof. Martin Owusu an ECRAG award in the late 90s. It is a stage play transposed from an old folktale Aku Sika.

It recounts the plight of a young and married orphaned woman, Aku, who suffers from a hand deformity caused during her childhood times by a trap which was set for some animals in the bush but went off accidentally.

However, Aku, who has grown into a brilliant young lady with an extraordinary beauty, manages to conceal her deformity to avoid being discriminated in the community.

In her low self-esteem, Aku lives a very humble , respectful and dutiful life , highlighted by her stunning beauty which could not be resisted by all the men; not even the king of their town is exempted from Aku’s attraction and finally takes her as his wife.

The king married Aku Sika in a society where royals marrying physically challenged persons was a taboo.

To avoid imminent disgrace as her reaction to rivalry and evil accusation of the king’s senior-most wife, she attempts to end her life.

The play spotlights the values, norms, morals, and beliefs of a the society and juxtaposes them with the influence of destiny and fate which remain unknown to man.

Actress and singer, Adomaa Adjeman play Aku Sika and it marks a significant milestone in Adomaa’s career, as she transitions from her screen experience and music background to the world of theatre.

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