
Royal Funeral of The La Dzaasetse Nii Odotei Adjei

Source The Ghana Report

The Speaker of Parliament, A.S.K. Bagbin ably represented by the Clerk to Parliament, Mr. Djetroh expressed Parliament’s support towards the burial of the late La Daasetse Nii Odotei Adjei.

In his remarks at the La Stool House, Akornor We – Lumoshishi during a Condolence Visit, Mr Djetroh who led the high-profile delegation promised Parliament’s support and Parliament’s presence at the burial service at the La Mantse Palace.

The Parliamentary delegation included Hon. Rita Odoley Sowah – MP for Dadekotopong, Hon. Nii Lante Vanderpuye, Dr. Ekow Spio Garbrah – former Minister of State and Ambassador, Hon. Annoh Dompreh – MP for Nsawam Adoagyir and Majority chief whip as well as the Minority Chief Whip, Governs Agbodza, MP for Adaklu among others.


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