
Tens of thousands rally to demand justice after Greek train crash

Tens of thousands of people have rallied in Athens and cities across Greece to demand accountability following the deaths of 57 people last week in the country’s worst train disaster.

Labour unions and student associations organised the demonstrations on Wednesday, while strikes halted ferries to the islands and public transportation services in Athens, where at least 30,000 people took to the streets.

Demonstrators in the capital waved signs reading “it’s not an accident, it’s a crime” and “it could have been any of us on that train”.

More than 20,000 joined rallies in Thessaloniki, Greece’s second-largest city, where clashes broke out when several dozen youths challenged a police cordon. Twelve students from the city’s university were among the dead in last week’s head-on crash between two trains.

Police fired tear gas in the southern city of Patras, where a municipal band earlier played music from a funeral march while leading the demonstration.

In the central city of Larissa, near the scene of the train collision, students holding black balloons chanted “No to profits over our lives!”

Greece Train Collision
The collision of two trains near the city of Larissa, Greece on March 1, killed 57 people [File: Alexandros Avramidis/Reuters]

The February 28 crash has stirred public outrage over the crumbling state of the Greek rail network, and striking workers say years of neglect, underinvestment and understaffing – a legacy of Greece’s decade-long debt crisis – are to blame.

Many of the estimated 350 people on board an intercity passenger train that collided head-on with a freight train while travelling on the same track were university students heading to the northern city of Thessaloniki from Athens after a long public holiday weekend.

The disaster has sparked protests across Greece with more than 10,000 people rallying in Athens on Sunday, releasing hundreds of black balloons into the sky.

Rail workers have staged rolling, 24-hour strikes since Thursday, bringing the network to a halt. They say their demands for the improvement of safety protocols have gone unheard for years.

ADEDY, the umbrella union representing hundreds of thousands of public sector workers, has also called for a 24-hour walkout.

“We will impose safe railways so that no one will ever experience the tragic accident at Tempi ever again,” the main railway workers’ union said in a statement.

“We have an obligation towards our fellow humans and our colleagues who were lost in the tragic accident.”

Other transport workers went on strike in solidarity, disrupting metro, tram and bus services in the capital, Athens. Ships also remained docked at ports as seamen participated in the labour action.

Reporting from Athens, Al Jazeera’s John Psaropoulos said that a press conference by officials on Wednesday morning had raised “more questions than answers” and will likely make “the families of the victims even angrier”.

“First of all, we’ve learned that some of the automated systems that should have been in place throughout the Greek network, were in fact operational on the night of the accident in Larissa station,” said Psaropoulos.

He explained that an automated optimal route selection for the train would have been possible, but was not used.

“Secondly, it also doesn’t answer why two additional station masters who should have been on duty until 11pm took off at 10pm without permission. Thirdly, it does not answer why the train was about 15 minutes late in leaving,” he added, explaining how all these things contributed to the collision.

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