

The Characteristics of a Financial Evangelist

The main hindrance to world evangelization has not been for the want of devoted missionaries, nor is it the lack for trained nationals, which was a serious problem for years. The hour has come when we have an eager army of gospel soldiers ready to launch out in faith and to preach the apostolic gospel. And they are doing it! Nor is there a lack of people responding to the message. Any missionary will tell you that almost every place an evangelistic effort is attempted, hundreds and in many cases, even thousands will respond. When then is the lack? It is the lack of necessary financial assistance that often is not available when the Spirit of God moves in a community. ~Gordon Lindsay, Founder, Christ For All Nations

The term “financial evangelism,” conceived by us, encapsulates the practice of channelling one’s financial assets towards supporting initiatives aligned with the Kingdom of God. This endeavour serves a twofold purpose: the salvation of souls and the equipping of disciples to make a transformative impact across all facets of society. At its core, financial evangelism operates under the premise that the highest and most profound utilization of one’s wealth and worldly resources is to contribute to a cause that maintains its significance throughout eternity.

Who Qualifies as a Financial Evangelist?

A Financial Evangelist designates an individual, often an entrepreneur, who employs substantial financial resources to propel the mission of the Kingdom of God. However, it’s essential to note that financial evangelists aren’t limited to entrepreneurs or high-earning professionals exclusively. So, who falls under this description? The term encompasses ordinary individuals driven by a deep commitment to the Kingdom, to the extent that they dedicate all available means to advance its cause. These evangelists are willing to exhaust their resources, even down to their last cent, to fund the proclamation of the gospel.

A financial evangelist can also be someone who demonstrates a steadfast dedication to leveraging their financial capacities in any possible way to advance God’s Kingdom. Various terms are used to describe these individuals, including “spiritual entrepreneurs,” “kingdom entrepreneurs,” and “kingdom financiers,” among others. As previously mentioned, financial evangelists can hail from diverse backgrounds, such as entrepreneurs and professionals spanning various domains, all united by a shared aspiration to infuse the values of the heavenly kingdom into every facet of society. Importantly, their influence in the marketplace is harnessed to further God’s purposes globally. To emphasize, the term “financial evangelist” has been interchangeably utilized throughout this discourse.

There are financiers from the Old Testament—figures like King David, King Solomon, and Obadiah etc. The New Testament introduces examples such as Joseph of Arimathea, Priscilla and Aquila, Nicodemus, Dorcas, Philemon, Joanna, Mary Magdalene, Onesimus, and Gaius, to name a few. In modern times, we find contemporary entrepreneurs who have channeled their financial resources towards propagating the gospel—names like Henry P. Crowell, Truett Cathy, William Colgate, Henry Heinz, Strive Masiyiwa, Demos Shakarian, David Green, Cher Wang, Do Won Chang, Tom Monaghan, Bob Edmiston, and Robert G. LeTourneau.

Church Financiers vs. Financial Evangelists

A crucial distinction must be made between church financiers and financial evangelists. The former lacks a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and their objectives don’t align with advancing the Kingdom of God. Church financiers primarily take pride in monetary contributions to the church, while financial evangelists prioritize spiritual growth and underpin their support for kingdom activities with a heartfelt commitment.

Financial evangelists not only offer their finances but also surrender their will and emotions to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Sadly, contemporary times witness a prevalence of church financiers outweighing true financial evangelists. Regrettably, instances of Christian businesspeople resorting to unethical practices to amass wealth for personal gains do exist, a behavior that contradicts the essence of financial evangelism.

Furthermore, any individual within a local church context who exploits financial assistance to manipulate others, especially young women, stands far from the role of a financial evangelist. Those who, in the guise of Christian charity, exploit their riches to exert control and deceive congregants do not adhere to the principles of financial evangelism. Crucially, pastors play a pivotal role in transforming church financiers into authentic financial evangelists. Pastors must identify such individuals and encourage them to offer their entire selves to God. It’s imperative to convey that merely contributing money to the church falls short of the holistic commitment expected of a financial evangelist.

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What Identifies a Financial Evangelist?

Having clarified the distinction between mere monetary contributors and genuine financial evangelists, our focus now shifts to delineating the distinctive traits that define authentic financial evangelism.

“Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.”

– I Timothy 6:17-19 NKJV

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1. Financial Evangelists demonstrate Spiritual Sensitivity and Responsiveness to Local Church Needs

The early believers in Acts 2:44-45 NIV exemplified unity, sharing their possessions and addressing the needs of others within the community. Regrettably, some individuals possessing the means to address church-related issues may withhold their assistance until prompted by the pastor from the pulpit. This behavior contrasts with authentic financial evangelists, who possess a distinct sensitivity to the practical requirements of the church.

These evangelists diligently attend to various aspects such as audio systems, microphones, seating arrangements, the pastor’s workspace, restroom facilities, and similar necessities. Their discernment leads them to identify these needs, and they proactively seek the pastor’s approval to rectify them, uncoerced. Rather than complaining, they willingly and graciously finance the solutions they’ve identified.

2. Financial Evangelists Prioritise Pastoral and Kingdom Needs

It is not uncommon for those who beseech God for blessings to lose sight of Him once those blessings materialize. Yet, it remains paramount to acknowledge that God ties His blessings to the advancement of His Kingdom; they are not bestowed arbitrarily. The house of God presents numerous financial needs, each requiring attention.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” – Matthew 6:33 NIV

A compelling illustration lies in the care owed to pastors. Frequently, God designates certain blessings upon individuals within the church community with deliberate intent. A prosperous member’s duty encompasses the well-being of the clergy. In the heart of a financially endowed congregation member, concern for the welfare of church staff should hold great significance.

Financial evangelists are marked by their profound affection for those laboring in God’s vineyard. Their aspiration perpetually revolves around ensuring the comfort of God’s messengers. They stand ready to offer their utmost, even to the point of personal sacrifice, to ensure that preachers and church workers enjoy a life of abundance.

3. Financial Evangelists are Submissive to The Vision of The Kingdom

Financial evangelists exhibit a profound submission to the Kingdom’s vision. They refrain from imposing their perspectives onto the church community. Esteeming neither themselves nor their roles above those of the local pastor and fellow church members, they embrace humility. Their disposition is one of deference, devoid of manipulation or control. Their contributions flow freely, unburdened by conditions or ulterior motives. Remaining in constant communication with their church leaders, they wholeheartedly align with the church’s trajectory and readily provide essential financial backing.

4Financial Evangelists have a Strong Passion to See The Kingdom of God Expand

Financial evangelists are driven by an unwavering passion to witness the expansion of the Kingdom of God. While some individuals contribute financially to the church, their commitment often falls short of embracing the Kingdom’s essence. Despite giving tithes, offerings, and supporting the church’s financial needs, their pursuit lacks a genuine connection with seeking God personally. Their attendance may revolve around personal gain, such as growing their businesses or securing contracts. However, financial evangelists stand apart from this group.

Beyond their professional aspirations, financial evangelists possess an ardent longing for the Kingdom’s expansion in all dimensions. Their contributions extend beyond mere financial support for missions and other Kingdom projects. They are actively engaged in soul-winning, discipleship, and global outreach. This fervor for advancing the Kingdom is so profound that any hindrance stemming from financial constraints for evangelistic endeavors unsettles them.Top of Form

5. Financial Evangelists have a Strong Spirit of Determination

Financial evangelists are not easily discouraged. They are determined to see the kingdom of God expand, even in the face of obstacles. They are like the apostle Paul, who said, “I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace” (Acts 20:24 NIV).

Financial evangelists are willing to confront obstacles that hinder the kingdom from expanding. They encourage full-time preachers and push them to do more for the kingdom. They have a strong spirit of faith that does not give up until there is victory.

They have a strong passion and determination to see souls saved, discipled, and empowered to expand the kingdom of God. They are not afraid to put their lives on the line to see this accomplished.

6. Financial Evangelists as Trailblazers or Groundbreakers in The Field of Evangelism

One of the main advantages of financial evangelists is their ability to blaze the trail or pioneer new grounds for missions’ work. This is because there are certain places, especially countries, that a pastor may not be able to go, but these businesspeople can have access to by their positioning in the marketplace. This is what makes them unique.

Financial evangelists can break ground and launch ministry work that is later taken over by pastors. They carry a strong apostolic pioneering groundbreaking anointing. Entrepreneurs open doors for new territories to be penetrated. As Jesus said in Matthew 28:18-20, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Financial evangelists are fulfilling this Great Commission by using their financial resources to reach people who would not otherwise be reached. They are blazing the trail for the gospel and opening doors for new ministries to be established. May you become of them!


About The Authors:

Nelson Semanu Boandoh-Korkor is a distinguished figure, renowned as an Author, Publishing Consultant, Christian Business Coach, and an enthusiastic Financial Evangelist. Nelson is also a proficient forex trader, cryptocurrency investor, and metaverse enthusiast.

Elizabeth Boandoh-Korkor (CA) is an accomplished Chartered Accountant with extensive experience as a Financial Management Consultant, accumulating nearly two decades of expertise in both the not-for-profit and banking sectors.

For inquiries, you can reach out to them via email at nelsonmbnbooks@gmail.com.

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