

They are Epicureans. They are devoted to sensual enjoyment, especially that derived from fine food and drink. They are gourmands in that they enjoy eating and often eat too much. Their opulence sits in hearty eating and their fare reflects their tastes.

On their lengthy menus at home are nourishing soups, vegetable dishes, richly sauced meats, and games of particular deliciousness like the grasscutter. A love of good living has long been noticed in them.

They love to eat at home with family and friends, but they are also devoted to the pursuit of dining out in their exclusive public eating houses.  Also, at any time during the day or evening, it is customary to pause at some place for a beer or two. At times to sample the incomparable wines.

As to wines, the repertoire is one of the world’s best of diverse selections, including many not as well-known as chianti, but all well worth sampling.

Their variants are gourmets because they cook themselves, and sing with happiness, enthusiasm, and imagination. Each dish reflects a light and artistic touch.

A class of people in societies enjoy a spree in celebration of these dishes and drinks in good quantity and variety. Nothing interferes with eating and drinking. They welcome the pleasures of the table at any time. It all depends on where you are, your status, and the limitations of your pocketbook.

A wide waistline, a short lifeline, physicians tell people in this class, while the poor tell them you want us to tighten our belts but you are loosening yours.

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