
Volta, Central regions recommission already commissioned ambulances

Source The Ghana Report/Sefanam Agbobli

Plans are underway in the Volta and Central regions to recommissioned the already commissioned ambulances distributed by President Akufo Addo.

Some 307 ambulances were on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 commissioned at the Black Star Square in Accra amid elaborate fanfare.

All emergency numbers now 112; don’t abuse it – Akufo Addo


Government has been criticized for organizing a funfair before distributing the ambulances. Critics say it is needless political game scoring by the government which has once postponed the commissioning.

After the ceremony, the emergency vehicles were dispatched to their various constituencies.

But the Volta regional Minister, Dr. Archibald Letsa and his colleague in the Central region, Kwamena Duncan appear set to repeat the exercise done in Accra.

The over 18 ambulances which were given to the various constituencies in the Volta region were on Thursday morning parked at the Volta Regional Coordinating Council (VCC) as part of the ceremony.

Dr. Letsa held the recommissioning ceremony to hand over the vehicles back to the constituencies.

He seized the opportunity to take a swipe at his critics.

“There’s nothing wrong with the ambulances coming to the coordinating council for us to receive them and hand them over to be taken care of by the assemblies. Anybody who criticizes this has a problem and we need to take him to Synagogue for deliverance” he said

Since the announcement of the recommissioning, some persons in the region have taken to social media to express their disgust over the matter.


The Volta region does not seem to be the only region in the handing over business.

Central regional Minister, Kwamena Duncan also held a ceremony Thursday morning to officially hand over the ambulances to the 23 constituencies in the region.

He justified the ceremony which many have criticized.

“As for people talking and as for people criticizing, that’s the beauty of democracy. As members of government, we’re not bothered at all” he said.

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