
Driving At Road Junctions

In Ghana, vehicles trying to enter a main road, force their way into it and the highway traffic has to stop. It is becoming the norm that motorists from the ancillary roads that join highways or fast-moving traffic lanes, rather look like having the right of way than what the law prescribes. Below are the rules and regulations for vehicles on junctions that want to enter main roads. This is good for Ghana where some junctions/intersections have been nicknamed ”accident junctions.”


You must stop at a junction with a Stop sign and double unbroken yellow lines across the road. Wait for a safe gap in the traffic before you go on.

When crossing a dual carriageway, treat each half as a separate road. Wait at the central dividing strip (central reserve) until there is a safe gap in the traffic on the second half of the road.

Box junctions have crisscrossed yellow lines painted on the road. Do not enter the box junction if your exit road or lane from it is not clear. But you may enter the junction when you want to turn left and are prevented from doing so only by oncoming traffic.


Box junctions are designed with yellow paint


When traffic going straight ahead is held up, do not turn to the right unless the police officer signals you to do so.

Do not go forward at green traffic lights unless there is room for you to clear the junction and you are sure it is safe. Never go forward when the red light is showing.


Where traffic lights have a green arrow filter signal, do not get into the lane where filtering is allowed unless you want to go in the direction shown by the arrow.


Well before you turn left, use your mirror to make sure you know the position and movement of traffic behind you. When it is safe, give a left turn signal and, as soon as you can do so safely, take up the position just left of the middle of the road, or in the space marked for left turning traffic. If you can, leave room for other vehicles to pass on the right. Wait until there is a safe gap between you and any oncoming vehicle; then make the turn, but do not cut the corner. Remember Mirror-Signal Manoeuvre.


When turning left from a dual carriageway, or when joining it from a side road and then turning left, wait in the opening in the central reservation until there is a safe gap in the traffic in the second half of the road.

And before turning right, use your mirror and give a right turn signal. Do not swing out to the left before or after the turn. Make sure a cyclist or motorcyclist is not coming up from behind on your right.

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