
GETFUND beneficiary 76 not Finance Minister's daughter, but...

Link between ‘GETFUND beneficiary 76’ and Finance Minister established

A relative of the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, has been identified as a beneficiary of scholarships meant for needy but brilliant students.

For starters, Nana Obrempongmaa Ofori-Atta is not the daughter of the Finance Minister, as circulated on social media.

She is the daughter of Ken Ofori-Atta’s cousin, a family source has told theghanareport.com.

GETFUND listed Obrempongmaa among 86 politically connected persons who got scholarships and sponsorships to study abroad at the taxpayer’s expense.

GETFUND spent $4.7million to educate these privileged Ghanaians, the Auditor-General’s report said after auditing the GETFUND secretariat which disbursed the scholarships haphazardly.’

With Nana Obrempongmaa Ofori-Atta, she got admission into  Georgetown University in the US studying for her first degree.

Slikovni rezultat za Nana Obrempongmaa Ofori-Atta

It has already cost the taxpayer $52,600 in tuition and an additional $4,400 in living expenses.

Her scholarship is among the top 20 most expensive in the 88-beneficiary list.

Theghanareport.com checks show she began schooling there in 2018,  after completing the prestigious SOS-Hermann Gmeiner International College, a school in Tema attended by wards of the affluent.

The fees of the school do not come cheap. Tuition and boarding per semester cost GHc41, 250 and GHc 82,500 for boarding and tuition per annum.

Her Facebook posts suggest she completed SOS-Hermann Gmeiner International College in 2017.


In a Facebook post, she announced her new school and her involvement in school activities.

Days after her name popped up in the list of 88 beneficiaries, her Facebook account has been deactivated.

Ghanaians have expressed outrage on social media after the “very disturbing” report published by the Auditor-General landed on news portals.

The GETFUND was set up to improve educational infrastructure and also support the scholarship secretariat to fund education in Ghana.

But GETFUND discontinued funding to the Scholarship Secretariat and proceeded to provide the bursaries directly to applicants.

The new scholarship scheme, described as unlawful in the report, degenerated into wanton cronyism and abuse of discretion.

Document: How GETFUND granted MPs, politicians, others $4.7m in scholarships as brilliant but needy students suffered

Some 80% of the scholarships were given to fund education abroad, a far cry from the objective of funding education domestically.

Some brilliant but needy Ghanaians have had their applications turned down as they appeared to have little or no political connections.

Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, comes from a successful royal family which was prominent in the fight for independence from the British colonial masters.

There is voluminous literature on the rich history of the Ofori-Atta family, which is tied to the Abuakwa state.

Slikovni rezultat za ofori-atta okyehene

The family has since dominated Ghana’s politics and business landscape.

Slikovni rezultat za ofori-atta family
Photo: President Nana Akufo-Addo and his cousin, Finance Minister

Before becoming Finance Minister in January 2017, Ken Ofori-Atta was a key financier in the highly successful 2016 NPP campaign for power.

He was seen distributing NPP pamphlets in the run-up to election 2016.

Ken Ofori-Atta

His ground-breaking business, Databank, was the first investment banking company in Ghana that has since been decorated globally with awards.

He has other business interests in insurance, retail banking, private equity, micro-finance, pharmaceuticals, and real estate.

Many have wondered how a relative to the powerful politician and businessman could qualify as needy.

In a testament to elitist cabalism at the GETFUND Secretariat, the Labour and Employment Minister has also been listed among the beneficiaries.

The Labour and Employment Minister, Ignatius Baffour Awuah, received a scholarship to study at the University of Portsmouth for a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Politics.

His living expenses and tuition amounted to more than £24,000.

Document: How GETFUND ‘gifted’ more than 1,200 scholarships without seeing admission letters

While familiar names of politicians and politically-connected persons have popped up. Some “beneficiaries” have come out to categorically deny receiving funding from GETFUND, although they applied.

It has raised questions bordering on profiteering and influence peddling within the GETFUND.

Another GETFUND beneficiary denies receiving €24,447

Nothing wrong for politically exposed persons to access government scholarships – Buaben Asamoa

  1. Anonymous says

    Sad this is happening. Lord have mercy

  2. Elizabeth says

    This article is stupid. If she is a relative does it mean that relative pays her fees? You have tried to get the Finance Minister involved in all your corruption cases. Why?

    1. Anonymous says

      So, that’s the only thing you can say. Of all you critical thinking and logical reasoning you were taught in school, you didn’t think you should use it for a proper analysis, wey the ‘wrongs’ and ‘rights’ of the entire content of the articles before typing anything? You just have to throw in a defence because your affiliation with the seeming principal actor is stronger than you affiliation with Ghana?

    2. Anonymous says

      Stop being subjective and look at the big picture of this whole issue. Is that how you want your country to be run?? Tell us is that how you want your beloved country to be lead by politicians who are so selfish and always thinking about their families and not the citizens. This, is the reason why the developed countries are ahead of us. Yet we all travel and we like there but we don’t want to emulate same in our country.

    3. Anonymous says

      Obrempongmaa is not the daughter of Ken’s cousin. She is the daughter of Ken’s brother – Duke Ofori-Atta!!!!

  3. Freethinker says

    We are far from development period!!!

  4. Anonymous says


  5. Shaibu Rufai says

    When you are hit by mannabullets he gets all the unprintable insults . so you think ken ofori atta is untouchable errh. You are sick to think so.Ken ofori Atta is corrupt to the bone. Is like the akyems sees nothing with corruption . Do you know how many times i have applied for it.But i don’t blame those insulting mannaseh because NDC itself couldn’t help me what of Npp

  6. ARAFAT AHMED says

    This is no headline news to me except the country name is not GHANA. Clear corruption everywhere, it makes me wonder if they even swear before given the position and if they do swear dont they have the fear that one day they will meet the True Judge and they will account for all this. THIS WORLD IS BUT AN ILLUSION. BECAUSE YOU CHEAT YOUR WAY HERE DOESNT MEAN ALL IS FORFOTTEN HMMMMMMMMMMMM

  7. Anthony Kussan says

    I think the poor should rise to the challenge. How can a rich family take what belongs to the poor and we are here suffering to get assistance to further our education and I tell even their certificate is not good than that of the poor and needy .Why all these ?politicians are taking us for granted.May God help us and Ghana

  8. Dr. K. Danso says

    Are you guys not being distracted by this and forget the real massive corruption and public theft!

  9. Anonymous says

    Complete dishonesty and shame to these faceless politicians. A Finance Minister worthy of his salt would have initiated an action to save him from this embarrassment. Didn’t he say that the rich children should not be included in the free SHS program? What double standards? Ignatius Baffour Awuah for a Bachelors’s program? Outrageous!

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