
We don’t deal with spiritual matters – FDA on Hajia Bintu’s Kayamata advert

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has clarified its stance on regulating products that make spiritual claims, following public inquiries regarding ‘kayamata,’ a product marketed for its alleged ability to charm men.

This clarification came after social media influencer Hajia Bintu advertised kayamata, prompting concerned citizens to question the FDA’s regulatory responsibilities for such products.

In an official response on their X account, the FDA stated, “Per the law, the FDA is not mandated to oversee products that make spiritual claims.”

This comes after Fella Makafui has allegedly arrested on Wednesday, May 22,2024 for engaging in unlawful activities related to the sale of unregistered drugs.

Her crime also includes false advertising, and the dissemination of unapproved adverts by the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA).

Following her arrest, 16 different products including Fertility Tea (Fibroid And Womb Tea), Butt And Hips Enlargement Syrup, Butt And Hip Enlargement Oil, Booty Cream, Booty Scrub, Hip And Big Butt Tea, Breast Firming And Enlargement Cream were confiscated.

Other products confiscated from her shop in Mempeasem were Vagina Detox Pearls, Male Sexual Vitality Tea, Spice Herbal Infection Mixture, Yoni Wash Gel, Orgasmic Gel, Weight Gain Syrup, Spice Coded Powder, Tiger Herbal Mixture and Sweet Drip Honey

‘Kayamata’ refers to a variety of products that are often promoted with promises of enhancing personal relationships, attracting partners, or boosting one’s allure through purported spiritual means.

These products have gained considerable attention and popularity on social media, raising public concerns about their safety and effectiveness.

The FDA’s clarification highlights that their regulatory scope does not extend to products making spiritual claims, thereby leaving such products outside their jurisdiction

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