
My Heart Is At Peace – Mother Of Pregnant Wife Shot By Husband In Her Sleep

Source The Ghana Report

After seven years of court proceedings and facing the reality that a daughter had been shot in the chest, the family of Benita Dankwa can now heave a sigh of relief.

In August 2015, Benita Dankwa, then seven months pregnant, was allegedly shot in the chest at close range in her sleep.

The prime suspect was no other than her husband, Effort Dankwa.

She survived the mysterious shooting, but the attack left her paralysed from her waist down and incapable of passing urine or faecal matter the natural way.

Her baby was also delivered prematurely via caesarean section.

The boy will be seven years now.

The traumatic incident left Benita Dankwa bedridden for years.

Investigations by the police suggested there was no sign of forced entry. Neither was anything stolen on the night of the attack, contrary to claims by her husband that armed robbers may have broken into the house.

The only person Benita spent the night with was her husband, Effort, leaving many wondering what could have happened on the day.

After listening to witnesses from both sides, including parents, siblings, landlord and friends, the Accra High Court has given its ruling.

A seven-member jury has found Effort Dankwa guilty of attempted murder.

The jury, made up of six men and a woman, returned a 5-2 guilty verdict after an initial 4-3 guilty verdict.

The judge, Justice Mary M. E. Yanzuh, explained that a unanimous decision was not required if it wasn’t an offence punishable by death. However, it ought to be at least 5-2 for a guilty verdict to be arrived at.

The jury went back and returned shortly that the verdict was now 5-2.

The face of Effort Dankwa, which had lighted up after the initial verdict, turned blank after the female jury member announced the second verdict.

The judge ordered that the husband be placed in police custody, awaiting his sentencing on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.

The parents of the victim Benita Dankwa, who was paralysed from her chest downward, said they were happy that justice had finally been served.

“It is not the number of years he is going to spend in prison that matters to me, but the fact that he has been proven guilty is my main interest. I am satisfied and okay with the court,” her father, Seth O.S. Yirenkyi, told The Fourth Estate.

Her mother said she felt relieved. “My heart is at peace and comforted by God’s word that patience begot victory. Jehovah is a lover of justice. If, after all these years, they have investigated and found that he is guilty, then that is God’s verdict. It isn’t that I am happy nor sad. My daughter is forever incapacitated, but the truth has been unveiled,” she said.



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